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PeiYing Stella Christine MeiHua QiHui
JiaJun HanTing ChengJi RuiYun Martin Jackie GuanYuan Dickson
WeiJian YaoTian Lucas Shannon Sopon PiaoSen HsienHsen YuenYik
A puppy heart beats in me , I feel so loved .

We wreck silence :D

09S11 is bascially made up of 21 awesome people.
If one is missing, awesome wont exist.
So yea, love us cause we rock your socks like anything ever had!

We are the fabulous hush puppies.
5 girls & 16 guys
Thats all it takes, the 21 puppies

Be envious
Be jealous
Which ever is better.



Eh don't spam hor!


Christine ♥
PeiYing ♥

February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009

DATE: Wednesday, May 27, 2009
TIME: 8:17 PM
Hello my BELOVED 09s11, this should be a revival post. i seriously wish for everyone to tag more on the board to make it even more lively then just a few people whispering. It will be also good for all of you to post some stuff, maybe things you came across the net and you may want to share it with the class. like youtube videos? If you need the login details, kindly look for JJ and meihua. they will be glad to tell you. During the holidays, check out the class blog even more often, so you can have updated results about anything you need to know and maybe class outings. Thanks..!!

Is it ok for those people who frequently check the litespeed to post it here? we may not be always checking the portal. so, any updated news can be posted here. so, fellow mates, if you have read this, please state in the tagboard. THANKS..!!

As all of you know, this FRIDAY is a half day for us (woots!) we are gonna end at 1030..!! class outing will be on after school, any good suggestions of where should we proceed to? just post it on the board or make a post.