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PeiYing Stella Christine MeiHua QiHui
JiaJun HanTing ChengJi RuiYun Martin Jackie GuanYuan Dickson
WeiJian YaoTian Lucas Shannon Sopon PiaoSen HsienHsen YuenYik
A puppy heart beats in me , I feel so loved .

We wreck silence :D

09S11 is bascially made up of 21 awesome people.
If one is missing, awesome wont exist.
So yea, love us cause we rock your socks like anything ever had!

We are the fabulous hush puppies.
5 girls & 16 guys
Thats all it takes, the 21 puppies

Be envious
Be jealous
Which ever is better.



Eh don't spam hor!


Christine ♥
PeiYing ♥

February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009

DATE: Friday, February 27, 2009
TIME: 11:38 PM

i did not mean to post this, but i personally think it is okayy to share.. since yt is soooo funny and cute.. :D:D

TIME: 11:32 PM


TIME: 11:22 PM


TIME: 8:57 PM
We have got a busy weekend ahead of us, so for those who sees this and wanna continue surfing, hope you had finished everything le.. Here's the list of everything i can think of..
  • GP essay the 'cher want us to do, ' Johnson argues that popular culture is "enhancing our cognitive faculties". Based on your observations of your society, is popular culture beneficial or detrimental?' & ' Evaluate the author's arguments and justify your answer with your own knowledge and experience', one page without lines..

  • GP thing on the 'GP Discussion Forum to be done on Sat, 28/02/09..

  • Econs essay, 'Explain the factors that affect the demand for any good or service industry', 3 pages without lines, by Tue 10/03/09.. This is considered as the 5% for term 1, so do a good job on it..

  • Econs tutorial 2 on demand, to complete everything, including the mini case studies i think, by Tue 03/03/09..

  • Maths tutorial 2.1 on AP and GP, by Mon 02/03/09..

  • Maths worksheet 2.1 on AP and GP, by Mon 02/03/09..

  • Chem tutorial 2 ( whole thing ) & tutorial 3's Self-Attempt Questions, by Tue 03/03/09..

This is all i manage to think of.. If there's anything wrong with the hw or due dates, pls help to inform or change it urself, especiall the respective subject reps.. Take cares and rest well..


DATE: Saturday, February 21, 2009
TIME: 11:29 PM
CHEM-tutoral 1 whole , tutorial 2 -self attempt questions

PHY -tutoral 1

Maths-practice Question / preapre for test

Econs-read topic 3 notes

Chinese-prepare for test

consent form and personal particulars to be filled in

thats all for now......


DATE: Wednesday, February 18, 2009
TIME: 10:32 PM
Heys ppl.. Jackie here.. Just wanna say a few things..

Firstly, for the IDP thingy, do try and decide fast and tell me which course u guys wanna take up asap, for it is 'first come first served'.. But no pressure to those who cant really decide on which course to take up, take your time, for u will be both spending time and money on it..

Secondly, there are a few who approached me and asked if the rest of the puppies want to have some stuffs, like class watch, sandals, etc.. It is different from what other classes will be like, for all classes i've seen so far are all doing class-tees..

Thirdly, my deepest apologies to all puppies who want me to lead the class well, for i'm not tat good at it, but i'll try my best.. And pls do give me guidance as we continue to work tgt down the 2 yrs..

Lastly, let us all aim tgt to be the gay-est class in the whole level (u guys know what i mean by gay ) and chiong well for all the tests and exams..


TIME: 9:49 PM
Class blog!

Heyheyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! I've changed the template and yea, CONSTRUCTIVE comments are very very very much appreciated! Hee hee.

chemmy rep

TIME: 7:35 PM
helo class blog here.using my sec 4 class blogskin, anyone can make a customise skin for our class please. and guys ppl who want post stuff jsut ask me for the username and password.

thats all for the day and have a great day.LOL